Third Annual Women's Business Conference - Aberdeen (Rescheduled: Thursday, March 25, 2021)
Date: Thursday, March 25, 2021
Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Location: Dakota Event Center
Fee: $115 Early Registration (through March 11); $130 Late Registration (begins March 12)
NOTE: If you register after March 12, you will not be listed in the Conference Booklet.

*All previous registrations for the 2020 Conference event are being carried forward. You do not need to register again.

Hear from successful entrepreneurs, local women executives and businesswomen, and be inspired by dynamic speakers! You will leave rejuvenated and refreshed with new tools and ideas on how to approach your work and your life.  Visit exhibitor booths throughout the day and register to win door prizes.  Lunch is included.

We are excited to have Jennifer Pharr Davis as the Keynote Speaker! Jennifer is a hiker, author, National Geographic Adventurer of the Year, first woman record-setter for fastest time hiking the entire Appalachian Trail, business owner, speaker, community leader, and a mom. Here is some feedback from a recent Women's Business Conference she spoke at:
"Loved her! She had awesome energy and great stories!"
"Best speaker I have heard at any recent conference."
"Jennifer was an engaging, interesting speaker who was captivating to listen to and did a great job of tying her
lessons on the trail to business lessons and best tactics."
"The tools and resources she gained from this challenge was by far more beneficial than any work experience
as it was applicable to all attendees in some way and applies to both our personal and professional lives."

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Agree to Cancellation Policy: All SD CEO registration payments are final.  You may give your registration to a colleague, an associate, or consider donating to a non-profit organization. If you need to transfer your registration, please notify Michelle at  *
The registration fee is $115. After March 12, the fee is $130. Please select how you would like to pay: *
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