The Bayside 2024 Registration Form!
Thank you for your interest in Bayside 2024! After submitting this form, we will send you a confirmation email, which will be a copy of this form. When you receive the confirmation email, follow the instructions here to complete your registration. 

Please provide the primary email contact for your family. 
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Email *
Provide the primary cell phone number for your family.  *
Provide the full name, age, and pronouns for each camper that you are signing up. If you wish to include additional email addresses and cell phone numbers for each camper, please include that as well.  *
Please provide the age that each camper will be at the time of Bayside in 2024.
Would you like your cell phone number to be shared in a list with 2024 Bayside campers to easily be able to communicate across the group? *
Are you an individual camper who would you like to reduce the cost of camp by sharing a room with another individual camper?  *
If you would like to share a room, please list the name of campers you request to bunk with. Note: Both parties must list each other in order to bunk together. If no name is listed we will pair you with another individual. 
Do your campers have any dietary restrictions, food allergies, or dietary preferences? If so, please state the camper's name and describe.
Bayside offers vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free meals to those who request in advance.
Many hands make light work! Bayside functions by getting a little bit of help from each camper. Please check one or more boxes below to indicate the ways that you would be interested in contributing to Bayside 2024. Most meals are served in the Lutherdale cafeteria, but we will make breakfasts and a couple dinners ourselves this year to keep camp cost down. We will contact you prior to camp to determine who will help with which activities.  *
Would you like to purchase Bayside hats? Please list the quantity. Each hat is $15
In keeping with our UU value of equity, Bayside operates on a sliding fee scale to make camp accessible for as many families as possible. Please review our rates and registration information to determine the cost for your family and indicate the total below. 

Remember to include t-shirt and hat costs along with discounts for sharing a room and/or early registration discounts.
What is the primary way that you learned about Bayside?
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Optional: Please share accommodation requests or any additional information that you would like us to be aware of.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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