Test your knowledge about R.A. 9262!
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What does VAWC in the Anti-VAWC Act stand for? *
The law protects women from abuse committed against them by their ___________? *
R.A. 9262 prohibits four (4) types of violence. These are: *
VAWC victim-survivors can report their abusers to the Barangay for assistance and apply for what type of Order? *
If the victim is unable to call or go to the Barangay hall for help, can somebody else who personally knows about the abuse report it for her? *
My partner was drunk when he punched me during one of our arguments. The next day, he apologized and said he did not mean it. Does this absolve him from what he did? *
Aside from the Barangay Protection Order, what are the other two (2) types of Protection Order? *
If the abuser is only threatening to cause physical harm to the woman or her child but has not acted on it yet, can this already be considered an offense? *
My boyfriend destroyed my mobile phone and kicked my pet during one of our arguments. Even if the abuse was not directly inflicted against me, can I still file a VAWC complaint against him? *
I made a VAWC complaint to my barangay and applied for a BPO. But they said they could just mediate between me and my boyfriend instead. Is this okay? *
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