Landowner "Burning Desire" Interest Survey

Welcome! The Good Fire Alliance is the community of partners in the North Bay Area working together to restore good fire to the land! If you haven't joined the Good Fire Alliance yet, you can do so by emailing  

This survey and project intake is managed by Fire Forward, a program of Audubon Canyon Ranch, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit conservation organization. We support land owners and managers in getting prescribed fire back on lands they steward. Completing this survey helps us get a sense of your property and determine whether your project is a fit for our program’s capacity and goals. If so, we may follow up with a phone call and explore the possibility of a site visit.  

If your property is less than 40 acres, we are excited by your interest, but due to a series of wet seasons resulting in a backlog of projects, Fire Forward will not be able to pursue taking on your project at this time. Please click here to download a list businesses within the GFA network that may be able to work with you. 

If your property is at least 40 acres, please proceed with the survey to tell us about your objectives, ideas and capacity for working as a Good Fire Alliance partner to get good fire back on the land you own or manage. A Fire Forward team member will reach out to you to further discuss your potential project. 

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Property Name
Street Address or Lat/Long
Primary Contact Name
Primary Contact Affiliation to Land
Phone Number
Total property acreage?
What kind of land management has been implemented in recent years?
Tell us about your goals/objectives for fire use. What are you trying to achieve?
What are the vegetation/fuel types present?
Are there existing lines on the property that could serve as good control lines (trails or ranch roads?)
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What capacity do you have to contribute to the organizing/implementation of burns on your property of interest?
The Good Fire Alliance (GFA) is a neighbors-helping-neighbors effort, so returned support is key to its success. Please tell us how you plan to support burning on other properties or otherwise support the GFA community. Ideas below are provided to stimulate ideas, but feel free to elaborate your contribution to the community in "Other."
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