DEFFA Board Recruitment Survey, 2022
Thanks for your interest in volunteering on the DEFFA (Downeast Friends of the Folk Arts) Board of Directors. Please fill out this brief survey to help us understand your background.

DEFFA is a non-profit membership organization whose goal is to nurture and promote the living traditions of folk music and dance in Maine. In normal times, we produce a monthly newsletter containing event listings, news, articles, musical and dance transcriptions, and other items of interest to our members. DEFFA also organizes the annual DownEast Country Dance Festival each spring, a weekend-long celebration of traditional and folk music, dance, and fellowship. In addition, DEFFA sponsors special music and dance events as well as instructional and educational opportunities.

DEFFA currently has three open positions on our working board, which we aim to fill this spring. We are seeking people who are passionate about our mission.

We are committed to attracting Board members with various skill sets to help steward the future growth of the organization. Board positions are open to everyone, and we especially welcome members who represent our diverse community, such as those who identify as non-binary, people of color, and young people. We welcome Board members from any part of the state.

Board members commit to two-year terms and use their time, energy, and expertise to oversee and provide insight to the organization and ensure its financial stability. The Board plans to meet every other month from September to May by Zoom, though called meetings may also occur.  If you're interested in volunteering with DEFFA but aren't able to commit the time required of a board position, please send an email to president @ to discuss other possible volunteer tasks.

Thank you for your interest in exploring the opportunity to join our Board!
Name and pronouns *
Email *
Phone number
1. DEFFA Board members can apply their skills in a variety of ways. Please check all of the following areas in which you have experience or interest.
2. Please share any examples of other Board service or relevant volunteer/work experience you may have.
3. The DEFFA newsletter is the primary way that DEFFA engages with our community. The Board is particularly looking for an editor (or editor team) to manage this important project. This role includes:  i) Communicating with contributors;  ii) Collecting submissions;  iii) Collecting ads;  iv) Looking for additional content;  v) Gathering this info and forwarding it to layout editor. Do you have interest/skills in this area? If so, what?
4. Please share briefly why you are interested in serving on the DEFFA Board.
Thanks so much for filling out this survey! We're excited about your interest, and the Nominating Committee will follow up with you shortly.
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