Natural Manifester Group Program Application Form

Thank you so much for your interest in The Natural Manifester Group Program. Whenever I host a group program, protecting the energy and integrity of the group is the most important thing to me. I like to vet every single person who wants to join to make sure they are a good fit with the group. 

Please take a moment to fill out the questions below if you're interested in joining and I will respond back to you within 24 hours!

Email *
What's your name, email, and Instagram handle *
Tell me about yourself! What do you like to do outside of work? What do you do for work? What do you like to do for fun?! *
What are you interested in manifesting?! Why do you feel like you haven't manifested it yet? *
What are you hoping to get out of this time with Gabrielle & the group? *
The investment is $3,500. A $500 deposit and contract signature are due to secure your spot then $1,000 will be billed on August 1st 2024, September 1st 2024, and October 1st 2024. Is that an investment you're willing to make? *
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