Community Foundation Racial Equity Training Selection Criteria & Application
Program Focus:  To support community foundation efforts to become more deliberate in their work to advance racial equity in their communities, ABFE has partnered with the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation to provide training geared toward building and strengthening competencies on these issues. This program is designed to help trustees and staff of community foundations foster a deeper understanding and shared appreciation for what it means to advance racial equity as an organization, both operationally and programmatically. Ideally, we will be able to extend this program to every community foundation that is interested in embedding racial equity within its internal and external policies and practice.

Facilitated by ABFE: A Philanthropic Partnership for Black Communities, participating community foundations will receive focused racial equity trainings for community foundation staff, senior leadership, and trustees equipping them with the shared knowledge, skills, and tools needed to better understand the foundations of race, racism, and racial equity.

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The objectives and benefits of participating:
1. Participants develop a shared language for advancing racial equity.
2. Participants recognize the value of a structural analysis around inequities.
3. Participants are introduced to three key tools for taking action to advance racial equity.
4. Participants take a deep dive exercise in one key tool for taking action to advance racial equity.
5. Participants brainstorm strategies to chart a forward course of action including ways to apply the framework and tools to  their current and future work.

Readiness indicators to consider when applying:
1. The foundation has interest in promoting racially equitable practices to address the disproportionate negative outcomes of Black and other historically marginalized communities.
2. Resources (financial and human) are available to act on that commitment.
3. There is buy-in on the importance and value of racial equity at the highest level of leadership (e.g., board and executive staff).
4. There are key staff contacts identified to coordinate some learning activities with the ABFE team over the duration of the series.
5. There is a commitment to participate in all three virtual workshops. The workshops are in sequential order, and each is a pre-requisite to the next.
6. There is a willingness to share data on the foundation’s policies and practices as well as data you have available on the populations of interest.

Intended Audience:
Small to midsized community foundations that have substantial Black populations – this includes African Americans as well as long-standing or newer Black immigrant populations.

The trainings will support teams of 1-3 members (per foundation/per cohort) to participate. Completing this application serves as a commitment that the organization will enable team members to participate in three half-day training sessions. Team composition should reflect the following:

Cohort #1 – Foundation Staff: comprised of community foundation staff, ideally senior staff pairs/trios (e.g., CEO & designee; senior staff and junior staff; etc.).

Cohort #2 – Foundation Leadership & Trustees: comprised of community foundation trustees, ideally in pairs/trios with the CEO (e.g., CEO with board chair, vice chair, and treasurer, etc.).

Additional considerations:
- diverse representation (organization) – team composition should reflect a diverse group of cross-functional staff members that includes support staff, mid-level staff, and senior/executive leadership.
- diverse representation (individual) – team composition should reflect diversity in race/ethnicity, gender, and identity.

Timeline and Relevant Dates:
Informational Call: Monday, July 26th  | 12PM-1PM PT/3PM-4PM ET
Submission Deadline for Application: August 6th at 11:59PM ET
Announcement of Cohort Participants: August 20th

Intro to Racial Equity Virtual Workshop #1: This session will serve to: welcome attendees; set context for the workshops ahead; establish shared language and basic concepts of racial equity; and help in recognizing the value of a structural analysis.
o Cohort #1: September 13th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET
o Cohort #2: September 14th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET

Intro to Racial Equity Virtual Workshop #2: This session will help: deepen participants’ understandings of structural analyses; introduce a framework for advancing racial equity through policies and practices; and introduce three key tools for advancing racial equity.
o Cohort #1: October 12th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET
o Cohort #2: October 13th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET

Intro to Racial Equity Virtual Workshop #3: This session will: illustrate an organizational assessment tool for assessing where an organization is on the spectrum of race focused work and readiness; allow a deep dive into one of the three tools for advancing racial equity; and brainstorm strategies to apply the ABFE framework and tools to current and future work.
o Cohort #1: November 18th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET
o Cohort #2: November 19th | 9AM-1PM PT/12PM-4PM ET

Applicant Information
Email: *
Foundation Name: *
Individual Completing Application
Name: *
Title: *
Please provide a Leadership Statement from your foundation’s CEO/President/Executive Director, reflecting support for participation in the training. *
Tell Us a Little More About Your Foundation
2023 - Did you participate in the 2022 cohort?
Clear selection
How would you describe your organization’s racial equity journey? (Choose one): *
What does your foundation hope to gain from participation in this program? *
Describe your foundation’s efforts to advance racial equity internally. Has your foundation examined and/or shifted internal policies and practices to promote racial equity within the foundation? If so, how? If not, that’s OK, too. *
Describe your foundation’s efforts to advance racial equity externally. *
What has your foundation done to advance racial equity with your grantee partners, donors and/or vendors? *
Describe how your foundation will support the trainings participants (staff and board) as they develop new ideas and efforts to improve racial equity within the foundation. *
Provide information about the staff and board members who will participate:
Cohort Selection: *
Please confirm submission of application and attach a separate spreadsheet to the ABFE team providing information about the participants who will participate (up to 3 participants, per cohort please). Please make sure it captures the fields listed below.  (EMJ NOTE 2023 - REQUEST PARTICIPANT NAMES ON SPREADSHEET; THIS IS ONLY FOR THE SUBMITTER)
Gender (M/F/Non-Binary)
Race/Ethnicity: (Select One: Black/African American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American/Alaska Native, White Non-Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Other/Unknown)
ABFE is a membership-based philanthropic organization that advocates for responsive and transformative investments in Black communities. Partnering with foundations, nonprofits, and individuals, ABFE provides its members with professional development and technical assistance resources that further the philanthropic sector’s connection and responsiveness to issues of equality, diversity, and inclusion. Established in 1971 as the Association of Black Foundation Executives, the all-volunteer organization was credited with many of philanthropy’s early gains in diversity. It since has evolved into a fully staffed, influential network. In 2013, the organization shed its descriptor and adopted the simpler ABFE (ab-fee) to better reflect its broadening membership.
The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, established in 1926 in Flint, Michigan, by an automotive pioneer, is a private philanthropy committed to supporting projects that promote a just, equitable and sustainable society. It supports nonprofit programs throughout the United States and, on a limited geographic basis, internationally. Grantmaking is focused in four programs: Civil Society, Education, Environment and Flint Area. In addition to Flint, offices are located in metropolitan Detroit, Johannesburg and London. For more information, visit
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