2024 HalloWienerfest Racer Lottery
Welcome, weenies! 

Please fill out your information below to join the racer lottery.

In order to make our 2024 HalloWienerfest Race entries as fair as possible, we are opening up a lottery system! Filling out this form does NOT secure you a racer spot - it enters you into the lottery. Fill out this form once per racer (once per each dog). Only one entry per racer is allowed. If selected, you will receive an email and a $25 entry fee will be due to confirm your race spot. 

Lottery entries will be accepted from August 19 - September 20th. The HalloWienerfest Race Lottery will occur and racers will be contacted at the end of September. Please look out for emails from dachshundderby@gmail.com at the end of September with further instructions to finalize your racer position. Be sure to check your emails and reply quickly, within a specified timeline, or else you risk your spot going to another racer on the waitlist.

The races will take place at HalloWienerfest at Santa Anita Race Track on Sunday, October 27th, 2024. 
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What is your (owner's) first name? *
What is your (owner's) last name? *
What is your (owner's) email? *
What is your racer's name? *
What is your racer's Instagram handle?
What kind of dachshund is your racer? (ie. short hair, wire hair, long hair, cream, black and tan, piebald, standard, mini, tweenie, etc) *
What is your racer's age? (in years) *
What is your racer's weight? (in pounds) *
What city (or region) are you representing? *
Santa Anita Race Track REQUIRES physical documentation of your racer's current immunization for RABIES, BORDETELLA, & DHLPP (distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, and parvovirus). This is a venue requirement and IF YOU DO NOT bring physical copies of this documentation YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ENTRY.  *
I understand that filling out this form does not secure me a final racing spot at SoCal Wienerfest 2024. I understand that I have entered a lottery for the opportunity to race at SoCal Wienerfest 2024. I understand that if chosen, an entry fee of $25 will be due to confirm my racer spot. I understand that if chosen, I will receive an email detailing further instructions to confirm my racer spot, and I understand that if I do not follow the instructions within the specified time frame, I risk losing my racer spot.  *
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