Are you one of Africa's top women innovators?
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What is your name? *
What is your citizenship? *
What is the name of your business? *
Where can we find you? *
Example: Website address, Twitter, Facebook page, other
What is your email address? *
Where are you based? *
When did you launch? *
What does your organisation do? *
Maximum 1,500 characters. Bullet points are fine.
Why is your organisation unique? *
Maximum 600 characters. Please mention all proprietary technology and proven innovation. Bullet points are fine.
How will your organisation deliver social impact in Africa? *
Maximum 600 characters. Bullet points are fine.
How do you plan to scale it? *
Maximum 600 characters. Bullet points are fine.
How much revenue did you generate in the last financial year? *
Include currency.
Are you profitable? If not, when do you expect to be? *
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