Alternative EV Assistance payment option
You can now claim EV Assistance after upgrading to an EV!

If the option to upgrade to an EV through our panel of approved vehicle vendors doesn’t work for you, this option may be for you.

How much EV Assistance can be claimed?
  • If you own your EV, you can get EV Assistance in one single payment.
  • If you are renting or in a Rent-to-Buy contract, you can now get monthly instalments of £300 to help with the ongoing costs of driving an EV. 

If you meet the eligibility criteria you will automatically receive your EV Assistance in the next monthly payment round.

You only need to submit this request once. We will re-review your eligibility for every monthly payment until the EV assistance that you are eligible for runs out.

Eligibility Criteria
Option 1: If you own an EV, to claim all of the Clean Air Plan funds (EV Assistance) that you are eligible for in one single payment you need:
  • An ‘Active’ EV on your Driver account (the same EV you are claiming for)
  • 150 completed trips in the past 8 weeks
  • The EV for which you are claiming your funds must be registered in your name, as per the V5C logbook.

Option 2: 
 If you rent or are in a rent-to-buy contract for your EV, to claim Clean Air Plan funds (EV Assistance) in partial monthly instalments of £300 you need:
  • An ‘Active’ EV on your Driver account (which must be the EV you are claiming for)
  • 150 completed trips in the EV in the past 8 weeks
If you’re eligible each month, you'll get £300 every month until the EV Assistance that you are eligible for runs out. You’ll also still be eligible to claim EV Assistance through our panel of approved vendors.

Normally, these payments are made within the first 10 days of a given month. If you have signed up after the review for that month, you will not be reviewed for payment until the following payment cycle.
Email *
Uber e-mail address *
Must match the email address associated with your Uber Driver account
Name *
Must match name on your Uber Driver account
Are you driving a fully Electric Vehicle? *
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