Am I the Jerk? (PAID POSITION)
We are looking to bring someone someone who is organized, hardworking and has a love of the videos we make into the Am I the Jerk Team. Will not respond to those that don't include links to videos that have made and voiced themselves.
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Email *
Are you a Voice Actor? *
What Editing Software do you use? *
Link to videos YOU'VE EDITED with YOUR VOICE (YouTube/Vimeo links only. You can make something right now if you want) *
Do you want to work FULL TIME? *
Where are you from? (e.g. Country, State, City) *
What is your DISCORD Name? (e.g. username#1234) *
What type of Content do you personally watch/listen to often? *
Tell us about yourself, why are you a good fit? *
First & Last Name *
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