St. Scholastica Summer 2023 Computer Programming Course
Calling all high-school students interested in Computer Science!

This 8-week summer course will introduce you to the basics of computer programming in Java.  This is a hands-on accelerated course that will meet once a week.  You are welcome to attend no matter your interest level.  Maybe you just want to try computer programming in a pressure-free environment (you will not receive a grade).  Maybe you want to take a deep dive into programming and receive college credit.  All are welcome.  At the end of the course, those who choose to may take an exam to earn 4 college credits from St. Scholastica (must receive a C on the exam).

There is no cost to attend the course or take the optional exam.  Class starts the week of June 19th and continues for 8 weeks.

To indicate your interest, fill out the form below, including your availability.  We will choose the day and time that works for most people, and we will be in touch in May with the final schedule and other details.

Questions?  Please contact Kris Glesener at or 218-723-6797.

Update (April 25, 2023): I have created a Frequently Asked Questions Page with questions I have received.  I will continue to update this document as I receive further questions.
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First and Last Name *
High School *
Grade *
Email Address *
Please describe any computer programming experience you might have (we expect that most people probably don't have any experience).  Your answer will help us calibrate the projects we'll work on.
Class starts the week of June 19th and continues for 8 weeks.  What days and times work for you?  Please check all the days/times you can attend.  We will choose the days and times that work for most people. *
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