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Reporting an allegation of bullying
The Abbey Vocational School takes bullying very seriously and will work to ensure this is not happening in our school. Some students may find it difficult to come forward in person and talk about possible bullying incidents. This form is an extra layer of support and may be used to submit a report of an allegation of bullying. The form will bring the information directly to your Year Head who will commence an investigation.
Students are of course also still welcome to come forward in person to speak to any staff member about this matter.
* Indicates required question
Record my email address with my response
Name of student who feels he / she is being bullied
Your answer
Class / Year of student named above
Your answer
Today's date
Name of student(s) who is alleged to be carrying out the bullying.
If there is more than one student you can simply list them all in this response
Your answer
Year group of the alleged bully
Your answer
Details of the concerns
When did the alleged incident of bullying occur?
Your answer
Please describe what has been happening in clear detail
Be sure to say what happened, who was involved, why you feel it may have happened
Your answer
Have you reported the current incident to any member of staff? (if yes, please say who this was) If not, simply state "No".
Your answer
Has there been any other incident of bullying type behaviour involving this student and directed at you?
Your answer
Thank you for submitting your report. Your Year Head or another senior member of staff will make contact with you as soon as possible to listen to your concerns and to progress matters.
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Report Abuse