Research Assistant Application
Thank you for your interest in joining the Gender, Power, & Privilege lab!

Our lab focuses on how processes of hegemony, discrimination, and prejudice justify and maintain the status quo. In general, we investigate racialized gender gaps in various contexts and cultures. We utilize behavioral, attitudinal, and physiological measures with diverse methodological designs. Some of our current projects include examinations of sexual violence, gossip, deception, and transphobia.

Typical RA tasks: attending bi-weekly lab meetings, serving as an experimenter, conducting literature reviews, and cleaning, coding, and analyzing data

*To ensure that you have the time necessary to gain valuable research experience, we require 6 hours of work per week and a minimum 2 semester commitment.* More information on the RA role can be foundĀ here.

Please contact our lab manager, Abigail Loviscky (, with any questions.
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PSU Email Address
Declared Major (or Intended Major)
Minor (If Applicable)
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Current GPA
Optional: While there is no required GPA for applying to this lab, generally research assistants are recruited based on a 3.0 or higher GPA. If you feel as though your GPA is not reflective of your academic achievements, feel free to use this space to explain.
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