The Halton Agricultural Society is happy to announce Santa at the Fairgrounds is BACK for another year! Families will be able to visit the grounds, shop local vendors, and take a photo with Santa Claus.

The event will be held at the Milton Fairgrounds (136 Robert St., Milton, ON) indoors in Hall #1. We are currently looking for vendors. Preference will be given to those who will offer holiday-specific items.

December 2-3, 2023 from 10am-4pm 
December 9-10, 2023 from 10am-4pm
December 16-17, 2023 from 10am-4pm

Vendor pricing is $100 plus HST per day, plus a one-time $100 security deposit (to be returned at the end of the event if there are no issues).

What you get:
- access to a 6 foot table & 9' wide x 7' deep space inside Hall #1, in the same area where Santa Claus will be located
- face-to-face access with hundreds of Miltonians throughout each day (in 2022, over 500 families attended our event)
- promotion on social media leading up to each event

All vendors are required to fill out this vendor application form in order to apply for a spot at the event. A vendor spot is only confirmed with 1) written confirmation from the Halton Agricultural Society as well as 2) full payment.

Any questions, please email us at

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Name (First and Last) *
Email Address *
Company Name *
Company Instagram and/or Facebook Handle *
A short description of what you sell *
Are you selling food? *
If YES to selling food, you will be required to complete the Halton Region online application form for food vendors if your application is accepted.  *
Event Dates You're Applying For (check all that you're interested in) *
Do you need access to an electrical outlet? NOTE: there are limited outlets available and it is an additional fee of $10 per day for use of power. *
We do our best to limit vendors who sell the same/similar products, however there may be an overlap in products with another vendor. *
Vendor registration fees are non-refundable. *
Please provide name (either organization or individual) and mailing address you'd like the security deposit returned to at the end of the event. *
The $100 security deposit will be returned at the end of the event if there are no issues, i.e. no damage to the vendor space, no garbage left at the end of the night, no late arrivals or early departures. *
Vendors must provide a certificate of insurance in the amount of $2 million, in advance of the event, naming Halton Agricultural Society as additional insured. *
I shall Indemnify and Hold Harmless the Halton Agricultural Society, their members, agents and employees from and against all claims, demands, losses, costs, damages, actions, suits or proceedings by any third parties that may arise out of, or may attribute to, all operations performed by or carried out by me, my agents, employees, or servants or anyone for whose acts he may be held liable, howsoever caused. *
Please type your name (first and last) as signing to all terms and conditions. *
Thank you for completing the vendor application for 2023 Santa at the Fairgrounds. Upon clicking "Submit" below, your application will be reviewed and a member of our team will be in touch.
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