New Haven Camera Club - Membership Application
Welcome to the New Haven Camera Club!
To apply for membership, please fill out the following information and read through the information regarding liability and use of images. 
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Please read and sign below:
  • By filling out this form, you are applying for membership in the New Haven Camera Club (NHCC).
  • Please note that you must be a resident of Connecticut (or student) in order to participate in competitions. NHCC members who move out of state may continue to compete.
  • Please note that the NHCC may use your images on its Blog, website, Instagram, for image critiques, etc.
  • Only one club may use a particular photographer's images for interclub competitions. If you belong to another camera club, please let us know if NHCC may use your images for NECCC interclub competitions.
    I understand that participation in NHCC activities is voluntary, and I waive all liability against the NHCC, its officers and its members. I assume any risk associated with my membership and/or participation in any activities or field trips.
Use of photos for interclub competitions:
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By attending a photography event, workshop, meeting, and/or outing ["Events"] sponsored by and/or
organized with or by New Haven Camera Club (NHCC), I acknowledge that it is not without risk. I agree that NHCC and its directors, officers, agents, or assigns will not be held liable for injury, illness, accident, medical emergency, death or other related problems arising from the Event. I also agree to hold NHCC and its officers, members, or assigns harmless in the event I suffer equipment theft, damage or loss; memory card theft, damage or loss; data loss; and/or the loss of any other personal property or physical injury while attending any Event. I agree that NHCC and its officers, members, or assigns are not liable for acts by humans or of God that may occur during any Event, including, but not limited to: severe weather, earthquakes, volcanic activity, war, terrorism, riot or other civil unrest.
 I agree that any dispute relating to this Release and Assumption of Risk shall be resolved exclusively by binding arbitration according to the then existing rules of the American Arbitration Association in the state of Connecticut in which the NHCC operates.
As a participant in any Event, I acknowledge that I am expected to be in normal health and am willing to
be responsible for my own actions. Although problems are extremely rare, photography events are not risk-free. I acknowledge that my participation in the events constitutes an awareness and acceptance of these risks. I assume complete and total responsibility for my own health, safety and well-being while attending any NHCC event.
I have carefully read and fully understand the contents and legal ramifications of this
Liability Release, Assumption of Risk and Arbitration Agreement. I understand that this is a legally binding and enforceable contract and I sign it of my own free will. I agree that if any any portion of this agreement is found to be void or unenforceable, the remaining portions shall remain in full force and effect.
Signature: (Your typed name signifies agreement with the above)
Permission for Use:
I hereby give permission for the Photographic Society of America (PSA) to display any of my images submitted through my camera club New Haven Camera Club for use in PSA inter-club competitions. I certify that I am the copyright holder of the
images. I hereby agree that this work is my original work created solely by me and does not infringe on the copyrights, trademarks, oral rights, rights of privacy/publicity or intellectual property rights of any person or party. I hereby give permission for the Photographic Society of America to display such images on the PSA's own website and Vimeo. (Vimeo is used to display Best of Year movie presentations.) I retain copyright of the image(s) and these images may not be used by PSA for any purpose other than stated above without my additional explicit written permission. The PSA will not directly or indirectly post these images on any other web sites such as social media sites without such written consent.
Signature: (Your typed name signifies agreement with the above permission for use)
Payment of Dues:
NHCC accepts payment of dues by check or online through Square. Please use the links on our Membership page to pay using Square or indicate below that you will be paying by check. 
Checks may be submitted at a meeting or mailed to: 
NHCC c/o Roland Levai, 20 Newbury Court, North Haven, CT. 06473
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