Washington State Legislative Youth Advisory Council | Action Day Registration
28 January 2024 | 9:30am - 5:00pm

Washington Capitol Building
Olympia, WA

Every year at the end of January, LYAC brings youth from across Washington to the State Capitol in Olympia to learn about and engage directly with the legislative process.  During Action Day, student attendees get to learn about policy and legislative strategy from workshops, hear from and speak with influential politicians and advocates, network with other youth from all backgrounds, and express their legislative priorities to policymakers. This is a unique opportunity for youth across the state to share perspectives, learn about new and pressing issues, and make their voices heard in the policymaking process.

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Name *
Phone Number *
Group Size *
If attending as a group, names of all participants
Dietary Restrictions *
If attending as a group, select "Other," then specify number of dietary restrictions if any.
Please select up to three issues that you/your organization are passionate about. *
How did you hear about Action Day?
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