New Athlete Questionnaire
Welcome to Odyssey Strength. Please take the time to answer the questions below to help us devise your training.
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Email *
Name *
What country do you reside in? *
If Ireland, what county?
Do you have a preferred coach that you would like to work with? *
Adam Phillips is the head coach of Odyssey Strength and is available to consult with all of our athletes. Your coach provides faster responses and works with you much closer than would otherwise be possible. If you don't have a preference or don't know the coaches, don't worry. We will pick the best fit for you.
Have you worked with a coach before? *
What do you seek to gain from your coach/athlete experience? *
Date of Birth *
Height *
*Feet & Inches
Weight *
Years Training Total/Athletic Background *
How long have you been lifting weights for? Have you played any sports before powerlifting?
How long have you been specifically training with the goal of strength? *
Current 1RM Squat *
A rep max will provide us with sufficient details here if it is all you have to go on.
Tell us some more about your squat
Any personal opinions/experience you might have regarding your squat.
Current 1RM Bench *
A rep max will provide us with sufficient details here if it is all you have to go on.
Tell us some more about your bench
Any personal opinions/experience you might have regarding your bench.
Current 1RM Deadlift *
A rep max will provide us with sufficient details here if it is all you have to go on.
Tell us some more about your deadlift
Any personal opinions/experience you might have regarding your deadlift.
Do you take any medications that might inhibit your ability to train? *
If yes, what might those limitations include?
Have you been hospitalized at any point over the last year? *
If so, why?
Are there any specific movement patterns that are problematic for you? *
Smoke/Alcohol/Drug Use?
Optimal sessions p/ week? *
How many days can you train per week?
Session duration? *
How much time do you have to dedicate to each session?
Training frequencies *
How often do you train major muscle groups and/or movement patterns p/week?
Brief outline of your current training structure *
If you have a PDF, please attach in email to
How effective do you find your current training structure *
Not effective
Very effective
Have you ever felt chronically tired or at risk of injury using these methods? *
Complete injury history *
How would you describe your emotional approach to lifting? *
Hyped and risk taking, calm and analytical etc.
Are you currently preparing for a powerlifting meet? *
If yes, provide relevant details
Past Powerlifting Meet Details (If any)
Any other relevant details we should know about? *
Upcoming travel plans, major life events affecting training, or anything else
Where/how did you hear about us? *
Do you agree to the terms & conditions listed below? *
We state: Odyssey Coaches are not a licensed dietitian or nutritional specialist. All information you obtain will be directly from Odyssey Coaches own experiences. It is of best interest for anyone looking to start a powerlifting program to consult a physician before doing so; it would be wise to have blood work done, and a physical performed by a licensed physician.Before submitting this application, please read and understand the following: You (customer) totally understand that you (customer) may injure yourself as a result of participation in a powerlifting program, and hereby release Odyssey Coaches from any liability now or in the future for any injury, including, but not limited to heart attacks, death, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness or injury however caused, occurring during or after my participation in the powerlifting program offered. By submitting this application, you state that in consideration of your participation in Odyssey Coaches powerlifting program, you for yourself, your personal representatives, administrators, heirs and assigns, hereby holds harmless, Odyssey Coaches from any claims arising from your participation in the powerlifting program. By submitting this application, you affirm that you have read, have been honest with Odyssey Coaches and also fully understand the above information. You have been given the opportunity to present questions in all related matters. Odyssey Coaches include Adam Phillips, Conor Campbell, Nathan Keenan, Andrew Roe, Clarice Tighe, Cormac Dagg and the above release is relevant to all of their advice.
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