Grace Upon Grace Pageant Sign Ups for Ushers
Please complete this form if you would like your son to participate in the first ever inclusive pageant in Buford. The Parade of Queens will occur from 4:00-6:00pm.  If your son has a disability they will be recognized as well during our parade of queens.  Submissions are due by February 20th
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Usher Name
Date of Birth
Parents name
Mailing address
Phone Number
Does your child have a disability (Internal Use)
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What is your child's disability/diagnosis? This is for internal use only so that we can better serve your child and make the day very special for them.
T-Shirt Size
Is there anything important we need to know? For example what special accommodations will we have the pleasure of providing such as a wheelchair escort.
Name of School
Favorite Color
Favorite Food
Interesting Fact about the contestant
What is your biggest goal or future dream job?
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