Qigong Mini-Retreat with Alicia Rypma
Th 6/15 & Fri 6/16, 1-4:30p
Bodhi Farms 
13624 S Cottonwood Rd, Bozeman, MT.

Please register by completing the form below
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Name (First & Last)
Your email address:
Physical Address
Emergency Contact (first & last name + phone number)
Would you like to take one day or both days?  Please indicate which days you will attend.
Are you new to qigong?
How did you hear about the mini-retreat?
Any questions or info you want to share with Alicia or Erin in advance?:
Will you pay by venmo or check?
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Reserve your spot with check or venmo.  

Please send your $125 deposit by check to:
1448 New Holland Dr
Bozeman, MT 59718

Or Venmo $125 by taking a picture of the QR code here:  https://account.venmo.com/u/currentmovementstudio or sign into venmo and enter @currentmovementstudio.

If you already did this, you're done.  You will receive follow up email as we get closer to June 15 & 16th!  THANK YOU!
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