Heartwood Healing Centre - 3rd Party Event Form
The application form requesting to host a Third-Party event in support of Heartwood Healing Centre. If you have any questions, or have not heard back from Heartwood Healing Centre within 10 business days, please contact gjenkins@heartwoodcentre.ca.
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Event Name *
Contact Name *
Contact Email *
Contact Phone Number *
Do you have a planned date for the event?
Location of Event
Estimated Number of Attendees
Would you like a representative from Heartwood to attend the event?
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If yes, what involvement will they have?
Briefly describe the event
By filling out this application, I acknowledge that I am requesting to use Heartwood Healing Centre's name, logo, and resources and that completing this form does not constitute a contractual agreement. Upon approval, an agreement will be required.

Heartwood Healing Centre reserves the right to deny use of our name, logo, and resources at any time. This may be due to, but not limited to, events that don't align with our mission or vision, are deemed unsafe to attendees or the Heartwood brand, or if Heartwood lacks the resources requested to support the event.
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