2023 Adopt Steward Agreement
Thank you for volunteering to be a steward team leader in support of the Santa Fe Watershed Association’s (SFWA) Adopt Your Watershed program!

The goal of this program is to promote holistic stewardship of the Santa Fe River watershed. By providing stewards of all ages the opportunity to help monitor environmental factors, reduce soil erosion and trash buildup, protect infrastructure, and increase aquifer recharge, this program cultivates a strong sense of connection to, awareness of, and care for our local landscapes.

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Steward Team Name *
Team Leader *
Email Address *
Phone Number(s) *
Street Address *
City *
State *
Zip Code *
Adopted Reach: Number and/or location *
Important Documents:
Responsibilities of the Steward Team Leader
Communicate safety guidelines to Steward Team members before each visit.
Ensure EVERY team member has filled out and submitted a safety waiver/ photo release to SFWA. (Waiver for students/minors to be signed by guardian.)
Establish an ongoing work schedule with your Steward Team.
Alert SFWA Program Manager in advance of work days so that supplies can be provided, prompt pick-up of bagged trash can be arranged, and safety sweeps can be conducted if necessary.
Timely reporting to SFWA Program Manager.
o Fill out a Steward Report immediately after outings.
o Alert SFWA of issues including invasive plants, eroded banks, infrastructure damage, etc.
o Alert SFWA about the number and status of homeless camps (active/abandoned)
o Supplement reports with photo documentation, when possible.
Share general communications from SFWA with team members as appropriate.
Notify SFWA Program Manager if there is a change in Steward leadership.

Responsibilities of the Steward Team

Clean/work in your reach at least 4 times a year.
Every Steward Team member must fill out and submit a safety waiver/ photo release to SFWA. (Waiver for students/minors to be signed by guardian.)
Assess the condition of the River/Arroyo noting any infrastructure, erosion or arroyo bed problems.
As possible, assist the SFWA with special projects as they are implemented.
Take and submit photos of the group working and of trash collected.

Responsibilities of the Santa Fe Watershed Association
Provide written safety guidelines and an on-site orientation for each new Steward Team Leader.
Provide a safety waiver/ photo release for each Steward Team Leader and Member to sign. (Waiver for students/minors to be signed by guardian.)
Carry and maintain an insurance policy providing volunteer coverage.
Accompany each new Steward Team on its first outing, and more often as possible.
Provide supplies and equipment for the volunteers (e.g., work gloves, trash bags).
Communicate and coordinate with City/County staff
o Ensure all Stewardship actions are consistent with applicable policies and procedures.
o Inform staff when team visits occur and alert them to trash pickup locations
o Create and submit activity reports, following the requested reporting schedules
Maintain a web page recognizing Adopt Your Watershed teams.
Provide regular status updates to Steward Leaders, to be shared with team members.
Provide training opportunities and workshops, as possible.  

Collaborative Efforts
In some cases, particularly in arroyos, more intensive assessment, planning, and implementation efforts may be necessary. In these cases, SFWA would take an active role in generating the necessary assessments and working with Steward Teams to set goals, make plans, and guide progress.
o SFWA will obtain the necessary City/County approvals to move the plan forward.
o SFWA will work to secure the necessary property owner permissions required.
SFWA recognizes that education and training is a key component to successful holistic stewardship and will support Steward Teams in these efforts. Stewardship Teams will have the opportunity learn about:
o The types of restoration structures, what they are used for, and in what contexts are they used.
o Geomorphology: slope, cross-sectional area of bank erosion, flows, soils, vegetation and watershed data (size & impervious surfaces).
o Management of underbrush, invasive species, and biodiversity.
o Soil health and restoration
o And more!

For promotional purposes please answer one or all of the questions below.
Why is the Santa Fe Watershed important to you?
Share a special memory about the SF Watershed.
What is something you'd like your community to know about you or your organization?
Please write your full name and the date below to execute this agreement. *
Any additional comments...
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