New West Charter School Art Syllabus (2020-21)
Mrs. Kraft- New West Charter High School
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Purpose of Form
This is a form to confirm that you have received the High School Art syllabus and have read all of the materials and expectations of the course. You will also be added to the class blog newsletter to keep you posted on class events, student artist and work spotlights, VAPA news, Monthly Multicultural Art Hero, Mystery Artist Contests, Fundraisers, and class snapshots.

Links are also provided for required materials for the course at the bottom of this form. You do not need to purchase the specific brand I recommend, but they are great student grade products that will serve your child through the entire school year and equip them to express themselves!

Link to digital Syllabus:
Student Name (last, first) *
Which Level Art is your child in? *
Which Period of Art is your child in? *
Student Digital Signature *
Parent/ Guardian Name (Last, First) *
Parent Digital Signature *
Parent phone number: *
Parent email: *
Parent Preferred Method of Contact (select all that apply) *
Any questions or concerns about the course?
Is there anything about your student that I should be aware of that may or may not be on their IEP or 504 plan? (example: allergies, vision concerns, specific needs, etc.)
Brag about your child! Tell me about what makes them great. :)
I actively use the Remind App to send out student reminders and event info. STUDENTS! please sign up for your class, be sure to make sure you sign up for the correct one. PARENTS, sign up for you is optional, but if you would like to be reminded as well, don't hesitate to participate.
Clear selection
I have purchased, or already own, all of the student art supplies for this course- (Recommended selection provided with link below) Please note that the student sketchbook this year is heavy duty multimedia paper and larger than a standard sketchbook. *
yes, purchased
Multimedia sketchbook-
Amazon basic drawing set-
Crayola colored pencils-
watercolor paint set with brush-
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