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PowerSchool Parent Portal Support
Please complete the form in order to best serve your family.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Parent/Caregiver First Name
Your answer
Parent/Caregiver Last Name
Your answer
Parent/Caregiver Phone Number
Your answer
Student First Name
Your answer
Student Last Name
Your answer
Which West Clermont school does this student attend?
West Clermont High
West Clermont MIddle
Amelia Elementary
Clough Pike Elementary
Holly Hill Elementary
Merwin Elementary
Summerside Elementary
Willowville Elementary
Withamsville-Tobasco Elementary
Parent Portal Issue
I need assistance in completing the forms for re-registration
My Student's Access Code/ Password Not Received
My Student's Access Code/ Password is Invalid
I cannot add an additional student to my Parent Portal account
Other (detail below)
Additional Information
Your answer
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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