Meetings with Legislators and Focus Day 2023
Focus Week is February 6 - 10th during which we will emailing our legislators. We will receive Action Alerts with directions on how to do this.  Subscribe here to the Action Network.
Northshore Council PTSA Advocacy VP, Jennifer Drury is scheduling virtual appointments with our legislators leading up to Focus Week.  Focus Day is February 20th at the Capitol in Olympia. Washington State PTA is planning speakers and tours. Please indicate your interest in participating in any or all of these activities. 
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Would you like to join in on Zoom/Teams calls with legislators in the first few weeks of February? You are not required to speak but if you have a story to tell that relates to our Top 5 Priorities, let Jennifer know. Here are our Top 5:

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Do you have a story to tell that relates to our Top 5 Priorities that you would be willing to share? Here are our Top 5:

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Would you like to participate in the Focus Day activities at the capitol in Olympia on February 20th?  Kids are welcome!  There will be guest speakers, activities and tours!
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If you answered yes to the previous question, what are your plans for transportation to Olympia?
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Do you have any questions about Focus Week/Focus Day? More information can be found at
Or write your question here:
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