Pueblo West Community Band
Dear Musician,
Thank you for sharing your musical talent with our group. This Band is dedicated to giving everyone a great musical experience, and providing the community with a great concert band to enjoy. Please take a moment to read through some of these simple expectations the group needs to follow:
1. Every musician is expected to practice their music outside of rehearsal. Rehearsal is for blending and fixing music that has been practiced.
2. Bring all your materials you need to rehearsal. This includes music, pencil and instrument plus a music stand if required.
3. All musicians are welcome to join the group with various skill and age levels. We accept all instruments and age groups. Negative comments regarding other musician’s playing skills will not be commented on publicly or amongst other band members. Address the director only with concerns of another musician in private.*
4. Limit all disruptions during rehearsal. Make markings in your music as the director specifies, limit talking to others to between musical selections only, and please contribute suggestions for music to the director.*
5. Please be respectful to all rehearsal and concert areas. Any destruction of property will be handled
6. No smoking, marijuana, alcohol or drugs of any kind are allowed at any time.**
7. Attendance—please do your best to attend every rehearsal for the season. While sickness, weather and
emergencies occur, your attendance allows the ensemble to move forward smoothly. Please contact the
director if you are unable to attend.
*All musicians are welcome to the group. Any discrimination or inappropriate behavior will result in a discussion with the director, and may also result in temporary or permanent leave from the group. This is for the protection of the musicians.
**Any offenses in this manner will not be tolerated and will most likely result in permanent leave from the group.

Thank you for your dedication, and welcome to the Band!

Director: Jonathan Colson Assistant Director: Ivan Acurio Band Email: Pwcommunityband@gmail.com
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Digital Signature-  If you agree with everything stated above, please digitally sign by typing your name and completing the information below  so you can be contacted in the event of a cancelled rehearsal or other important information. Your information will not be shared or distributed for any reason. *
First Name *
Last Name *
What is your best e-mail? (No student email addresses please). *
What is the best phone number to reach you at? *
Does this number allow texting? *
What is the instrument you'll be playing in the ensemble? *
Emergency Contact- Name *
Emergency Contact- Phone Number *
Emergency Information- anything to tell EMT's
Thanks for joining us and we look forward to seeing you next time! 
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