Outgrow the system - Screening
Documentary screening (in English), Thursday 30 May, 19:00.
SamenAction Community Centre, Rue van Aa Straat 22, Ixelles
Free entry, donation based

SamenAction is a grassroots community building organisation active in various neighbourhoods across Belgium.

Rafilm made this movie to foster hope that change is not only possible, but already underway. Donations can be made directly on their GoFundMe page.

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"The film envisions a world where social movements worldwide can rally behind positive visions instead of merely opposing dystopias."

To make this vision reality, the conversation following the screening will build on the momentum and inspiration generated by the film to invite the audience to take collective action alongside the local population already engaged in community service in the neighbourhood where the venue is located. 

Keen to contribute in any way? You can already share your thoughts, ideas, talents here.
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