Requests are free, but the timing at which I'll start it depends on my schedule.
I will explain my workflow and show what can be done by the requester/customer to put the request earlier on my schedule.
My Workflow for Lora creation and the approximate time spent per step: 1. Dataset collection (Danbooru, Rule34, Pixiv, kemono, Pintrest, etc) [1~10 hrs]
2. Dataset cleaning/editing [1~4 hrs]
3. Dataset organization [20 min ~ 1 hrs]
4. Tagging [10 min ~ 30 min]
5. Lora creation [30 min ~ 45 min]
6. repeat steps 4 and 5 until I'm satisfied
The main reason why many requests are started approximately (minimum) two weeks after the request acceptance is due to the extremely long time it takes to create a Lora (In my case, a Lycoris/locon), I put a huge emphasis on a clean and well curated dataset. The request/commission will be expedited and placed earlier on my schedule if steps 1~2 (optionally step 3) are completed by the requester; commissions will also receive a discount if steps 1~2 are done by the requester (more info on the TOS regarding ways to receive discounts).
However, I don’t provide discounts or expeditions for partial/inadequate data collection from image hosting sites (rule34, gelbooru, etc), because I need to scrape the images and the number of images I need to go through doesn’t change (depending on the subject, I easily go through 1k~15k results and pick 200~600 desirable images). I can provide discounts and or schedule bumps if you provide cleaned screenshots/data from the source material, anime and or manga, (minimum desired resolution is 640 x 640 or higher).Step by step instructions of what I do for steps 1 ~ 3 are documented here:
dataset cleaning manualYou're also free to shadow me when I work on my loras cause I sometimes stream it on discord.
DM me on discord or twitter if you have any questions.
By requesting me a request/commission, you agree to being above 18 years old, agree with the TOS (Wasabiya's Commission & TOS), and agree to accurately fill in the info below.