Wasabi's Lora request/commission form
Request/Commission Window Status: OPEN

1.) You're 18 yrs old or older
2.) No real people

There's no assurance that I'll be able to fulfill the Lora. Both requests and commissions adhere to my Terms of Service (TOS). The turnaround time will vary based on the complexity and my personal schedule. Updates are regularly posted in the news channel of my Discord server.

Requests are free, but the timing at which I'll start it depends on my schedule. Commissions, on the other hand, will only commence after all details are sorted out in subsequent communications and I confirm my commitment. Filling out the form doesn't automatically guarantee commission acceptance. Although commissions take precedence over requests, their timing is subject to my schedule. TOS and pricing details can be found here: Wasabiya's Commission & TOS.

I will explain my workflow and show what can be done by the requester/customer to put the request earlier on my schedule.  

My Workflow for Lora creation and the approximate time spent per step: 
1. Dataset collection (Danbooru, Rule34, Pixiv, kemono, Pintrest, etc) [1~10 hrs]
2. Dataset cleaning/editing [1~4 hrs]
3. Dataset organization [20 min ~ 1 hrs]
4. Tagging [10 min ~ 30 min]
5. Lora creation [30 min ~ 45 min]
6. repeat steps 4 and 5 until I'm satisfied

The main reason why many requests are started approximately (minimum) two weeks after the request acceptance is due to the extremely long time it takes to create a Lora (In my case, a Lycoris/locon), I put a huge emphasis on a clean and well curated dataset. The request/commission will be expedited and placed earlier on my schedule if steps 1~2 (optionally step 3) are completed by the requester; commissions will also receive a discount if steps 1~2 are done by the requester (more info on the TOS regarding ways to receive discounts). However, I don’t provide discounts or expeditions for partial/inadequate data collection from image hosting sites (rule34, gelbooru, etc), because I need to scrape the images and the number of images I need to go through doesn’t change (depending on the subject, I easily go through 1k~15k results and pick 200~600 desirable images). I can provide discounts and or schedule bumps if you provide cleaned screenshots/data from the source material, anime and or manga, (minimum desired resolution is 640 x 640 or higher).

Step by step instructions of what I do for steps 1 ~ 3 are documented here: dataset cleaning manual
You're also free to shadow me when I work on my loras cause I sometimes stream it on discord.

DM me on discord or twitter if you have any questions.

By requesting me a request/commission, you agree to being above 18 years old, agree with the TOS (Wasabiya's Commission & TOS), and agree to accurately fill in the info below.
Email *
Name/username (what should I call you?)
Gender (just so I don't misgender you) *
Preferred method of contact? (Discord or email, provide username or email address. You can send me a friend request on discord)
Request or Commission? (Commission price will be figured out in a future communication, check TOS for pricing examples) *
What type of Lora (character, background, accessories, clothing, poses, or something else) and a short description of it. Include a danbooru or rule34 url if that helps communicate the concept. *
How much data (images) exists on the internet? (Just do a simple check on Danbooru or Rule34 if needed) *
Are you providing the dataset? (If so, the dataset will be checked and the quality of the dataset will need to be approved by me. The dataset must go through step 1, 2 and or optionally 3 described in the dataset cleaning manual) *
Other comments/messages
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