Test Your knowledge on 'Our Environment  ' devised on the upcoming occasion of World Environment  Day  on 5th June, 2024. Attempt all the questions by clicking on the right option. Submit the completed Form by clicking the 'Submit' button at the end of the Form. Get your score and the correct answer by clicking the 'View score' button. Good Luck!  You can also write your comments on the quiz in the Comment space given at the end of this Page or send your comments and questions related to this quiz for answer directly to the email account given below:

Background :

Our environment that includes both biotic and abiotic factors represents a dynamic natural system with interactions among its various components ensuring the flow of energy. A healthy environment promotes  healthy life. However, since the industrial revolution of the 18th century, our environment is at constant threat due to pollution of land, air and water. This has posed a serious threat to our very survival on the planet. Various climate summits were held in past to address the environmental issues and to mitigate the environmental hazards. However, a lot needs to be done in this regard. The World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 every year to remind us the role of the environment to shape our life and our commitments to safeguard its fragile  processes.  
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The environment includes:
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The food chain in an eco-system is generally not very long extending  maximum up to 3 to 4 trophic levels. Why?
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A thin envelope extending 8 to 10 km above Earth's surface and few meters into the ground that is capable of supporting and sustaining life is called :
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A warm ocean current that flows off the coast of Peru that determines most of the world's climate is called :
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Which book , for the first time, brought out the harmful effects of DDT to public attention ?
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All the eco-systems that share the same geographical region and climate are called :
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Which animal is the symbol of World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWFN) ?
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In which layer of the atmosphere does water vapour exist that determines  the weather ?
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Which animal is mostly threatened due to Arctic ice melt ?
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Which place of the Earth contains the most number of plant and animal species (bio-diversity) ?
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Which is the largest mangrove ecosystem of the world ?
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The largest rookery of the world for Olive Ridley turtles that attracts thousands of sea turtles every year for mass nesting  is :
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Which feature of the ocean is referred to as the 'Sea garden' because the largest number of species are found there ?
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Who first coined the term  Ecosystem ?
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Which country is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases ? Which country is the highest per capita emitter of Greenhouse gases ?
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A plant growing in the bark of trees is a useful biological indicator of Sulphur dioxide pollution in air . Can you name it ?
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Which animals are the  most affected by acid rain ?
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Biodiversity hotspots  are Earth's most biologically rich but  threatened terrestrial regions. There are currently 36 recognized biodiversity hotspots in the world . How many   biodiversity hotspots are   in India and what are these?
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Which is the first reserve forest of India?
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How are the tiger population of a forest counted ?
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In which year was Project Tiger launched ?
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A book published by IUCN that keeps a record of all the endangered animals and plants of the world called :
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Where and when  a hole in the Ozone layer was first discovered ?
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Which protocol for the first time banned the production of CFC, Halons and other Ozone Depleting Substances ?
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Which river in India is among the ten most polluted rivers of the world ?
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What structural modification of Oxygen is an air pollutant at the lower atmosphere, but highly beneficial for life in the upper atmosphere?
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Which greenhouse gas present in our atmosphere produces most of the warming ?
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A gas leak in a plant in Bhopal on Dec 2 ,1984 killed more than 2000 people immediately in the worst ever gas tragedy. What was the name of the gas leaked  and what was the plant producing ?
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Ozone is a known air pollutant at the ground level. In the presence of sunlight, it reacts with Nitrogen dioxide exhaust  and hydrocarbon emissions from the automobiles to produce a yellowish grey chemical compound  which was first time observed in the city of Los Angeles of USA. What is the name of this phenomenon ?
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A toxic substance contaminated in ground water produces short term  ailments like vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and long term complications like   thickened skin, hard patches on palms and soles of feet  and  cancer. What is the substance responsible for this?
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What is the best way to deal with solid wastes ?
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In the world’s worst nuclear accident in a nuclear power station now in Ukraine , 31 people died, 129 others suffered acute radiation and many thousands are expected to die prematurely as a result of exposure to radiation released from the stricken plant. Name the disaster.
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Name the gas released from landfills, decaying organic matter under shallow water in marshes and bogs, flooded paddy fields, by ruminant animals and  termites, and by the burning of biomass. A molecule of this gas has 21 times more global warming potential than a molecule of Carbon dioxide.
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 This species of bird native to North America was considered to have been one of the most numerous birds on earth at one time . Intensive shooting and the destruction of its natural breeding ground brought about a sudden fall in their numbers. The last of this species on earth died in a zoo in Circinnati in 1914. Name this bird.
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A process by which a  water body   becomes progressively enriched with minerals and nutrients, (particularly nitrogen and phosphorus).  It leads to excessive growth of unwarted plants like algae  that caused significant environmental degradation by depleting dissolved oxygen in water. What is this phenomenon called?
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Which animals are affected the most as a result of Plastic pollution?
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(To see a Report of the celebration of World Environment day -2024, please click the link given below:

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