Apply to be an official Reviewer of the Global Open Data Index
Hello, Thank you for applying for the Reviewer role. As part of the community feedback, we will have this year one reviewer per country. This will enable us to increase the coverage of Global Open Data Index. Please fill in this form so we can know about you better.
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1. Your name
2. Country
This is the primary country for which you would like to become a reviewer. This could be your country of origin or your country of residence.
3. Your current occupation
We would like to learn more about your professional background.
4. Your background relevant to review the Global Open Data Index
This includes paid work, volunteer and any other activity you are (or have been) engaged in that you feel will be relevant for becoming a Reviewer for your country. Examples could be research work, writing samples etc.
5. Are there any specific topics within open data that you are particularly knowledgable about?
This can be in general (for instance open government data) or the specific dataset categories assessed in the Global Open Data Index (see
6. Did you work for an Open Data organization before?
This could be from working with open data, employment with a data owner/government/etc. or from volunteer work (ie. in an Open Knowledge working group)
8. Are there any other countries beside you home country you can review?
Please specify your experience in these countries
8. Your email address
So that we can contact you with relevant inquiries or questions. You will not be spammed and we will not give your address to other parties.
9. Your LinkedIn page
[optional] Just so we will learn to know your background better
10. Your Twitter handle
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