Point C - "All Trees"
... at 90 m (295.28 feet)
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Point C's Latitude & Longitude
Q1 (NE Quadrant) - Distance (m) to Nearest Tree
Q1 (NE Quadrant) - DBH (cm) of Nearest Tree
Q1 (NE Quadrant) - Species of Nearest Tree
Q1 (NE Quadrant) - Notes
Q2 (NW Quadrant) - Distance (m) to Nearest Tree
Q2 (NW Quadrant) - DBH (cm) of Nearest Tree
Q2 (NW Quadrant) - Species of Nearest Tree
Q2 (NW Quadrant) - Notes
Q3 (SW Quadrant) - Distance to (m) Nearest Tree
Q3 (SW Quadrant) - DBH (cm) of Nearest Tree
Q3 (SW Quadrant) - Species of Nearest Tree
Q3 (SW Quadrant) - Notes
Q4 (SE Quadrant) - Distance to (m) Nearest Tree
Q4 (SE Quadrant) - DBH (cm) of Nearest Tree
Q4 (SE Quadrant) - Species of Nearest Tree
Q4 (SE Quadrant) - Notes
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