Write Wild with Rebecca K. O'Connor
Welcome to Inlandia Institute's registration form for Write Wild! An Open Space for Writing
A class on exploring nature writing to develop your own authentic voice with Rebecca K. O’Connor


WORKSHOP DATES: Saturdays September 2, 9, 16 and 30, 2017, 10:30 a.m. - 12 pm
GUIDED HIKE: Saturday September 23, 2017 10:30 a.m. - 12 pm
PUBLIC READING AND CELEBRATION: Saturday October 7, 2017 10:30 a.m. - 12 pm

WORKSHOP & PUBLIC READING LOCATION: Riverside Public Library lower level quiet room.
GUIDED HIKE: Cienega Canyon, led by a Rivers & Lands Conservancy land steward.


In partnership with the Rivers & Lands Conservancy (RLC), Inlandia is offering Write Wild: An Open Space for Writing, a class on exploring nature to develop your own authentic voice.

Are you a writer (or an aspiring writer) with a love of nature and the outdoors? Join Rebecca K. O’Connor, author of nine reference books on the natural world as well as a falconry memoir, for this six-week class that includes a land steward-led hike in the Cienega Canyon Preserve and a celebratory public reading.

Topics for this series include “Using Your Outside Voice”, “Inspiration in a Wilder World”, and “Living Like Animals”.

The workshop will be held at the Riverside Public Library on Saturdays, beginning September 2, with the guided hike on September 23 and public reading on October 7. A sack lunch will be provided on the hike.

Rebecca K. O’Connor is the author of nine reference books on the natural world, including a best-selling parrot training guide The Perfectly Trained Parrot. She has also published a romance novel, Falcon’s Return, and the award-winning falconry memoir Lift published by Red Hen Press. Her most recent novel is We Were Wilder, a self-published post-apocalyptic wilderness journey that is the first in a trilogy. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from the University of California, Riverside. Her essays and short stories have been published in numerous places, including South Dakota Review, Iron Horse Literary Review, Los Angeles Times Magazine, West, divide, The Coachella Review, Phantom Seed, Prime Number Magazine and The Rumpus. Her essays have been anthologized and nominated for the Pushcart Prize.

Rivers & Lands Conservancy enhances the quality of life in our community by conserving open space, habitats, and agricultural lands through acquisition, stewardship, and community engagement.
To register, please submit your registration fee then email your submission to inlandia@InlandiaInstitute.org with the subject heading “WRITE WILD”


Pay via PayPal or mail a check to the Inlandia Institute office.

- To pay the registration fee via PayPal visit www.paypal.com and choose "send money" to donations (at) inlandiainstitute (dot) org.

- To mail registration fee: Inlandia Institute • 4178 Chestnut Street • Riverside, California 92501

- Hand-delivery by appointment only.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call Cati Porter at the Inlandia Institute at 951 790 2458 or email cati.porter@inlandiainstitute.org.

Thank you, and enjoy the workshop!

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