Kids acting class registration Fall 2024

This fall Theatre Athabasca is offering two kids' acting classes, as follows:

Playful Drama (Ages 6-11) Tuesdays 5:00-6:00pm

In this class participants will explore creative expression, emotion and movement.

Character creation, storytelling and improvisation will be developed in a safe, fun and

encouraging environment.

Fall Term $160


Acting Out (Ages 12-17) Tuesdays 6:15-7:45pm

Participants will learn about the theatre process through drama games, character

development, movement, voice and text exploration. The instructor will lead and encourage

the participants in a fun and safe, environment. 

Fall Term $240

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Email *
What is your first and last name? *
What is your child's first and last name? *
How old will your child be as of December 31, 2024? *
Given your child's age, which class will you be registering them in? *
Please name an emergency contact. *
Please list your emergency contact's phone number. *
What is your emergency contact's relationship to the child? *
Does your child require an aide at school? *
In order to best support your child, please list any other special needs or behavioural issues that we should be aware of.
Does your child have any allergies that we should be aware of?
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