LR-x Trial Account Application
Thank you for requesting a trial of LR-x. Below is a questionnaire designed to assist us in better understanding the needs of the first responder community. Upon review of your completed questionnaire, a link to the cloud based application will be e-mailed to you along with login information.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Company or Fire Department *
Requestor's Name *
Title *
Phone *
Primary Role *
How many users will need access to the LR-x software? *
LR-x utilizes both public and private/portable weather sensors to provide the most immediate and accurate models.  Does your department have a portable weather sensor? (e.g. Coastal Environmental WEATHERPAK) *
Please identify your level of authority when making purchasing decisions
Purchasing Level
$0 - $5,000
$5,001 - $10,000
Not Authorized
If you are Not Authorized to make purchasing decisions please identify the person responsible
Do you currently have budget available for new technology and equipment? *
Identify the month in which purchasing decisions must be submitted for budgetary approval *
Identify your success objectives for evaluating the LR-x software *
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