Using Google Sites to Showcase Learning: Feedback Form
I appreciate any and all feedback!  Please fill out this form to help me be as effective and helpful as possible in my future presentations.
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After attending this session, I will use Google Sites for digital portfolios more than I did before. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
After this session, I feel more guiding my students to create websites with Google Sites. *
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
What is one "take away" that you gained from the presentation today? *
How well did I meet these presentation points? *
Not at all
Very little
Very much
Interactive Opportunties
Resources To Use Tomorrow
Overall Presentation
What are some aspects of this presentation that I need to keep for future sessions? *
What are some aspects of this presentation that I need to change for a more beneficial session? *
If you have any questions that were left unanswered, please add them here with your contact information.  I will definitely make sure to follow-up with you!
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