Lemon Road Band & Strings Intent
Parents of rising 4th, 5th and 6th Graders should submit this form to indicate your child's participation in Band or Strings for the 2023-2024 school year. This form should be submitted even if your child will not be participating in Band or Strings.

*In-addition to Band and Strings, students at Lemon Road may participate in Chorus. Chorus partcipation forms will be sent out after the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year.

Please fill out this form no later than June 14, 2023.*


Padres de los estudiantes que entraran a los grados 4, 5 y 6 deben llenar este formulario para indicar la participación de su estudiante en las clases de banda u orquesta para el año escolar 2023-2024. Este formulario debe ser llenado aún cuando elija que no participara.

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String Instrument Options
If your student needs help deciding on what instrument to play, use this video to help you decide on the best option for both for them and your family. /// Este video puede ayudarles para decidir la mejor opción para su familia si su estudiante quisiera tocar un instrumento.
Band Instrument Selection
If your student needs help deciding on what instrument to play, use this video to help you decide on the best option for both for them and your family. Please note that Oboe, Bassoon, and French Horn are NOT offered at Lemon Road. /// Este video puede ayudarles para decidir la mejor opción para su familia si su estudiante quisiera tocar un instrumento.
Student First Name /// Primer Nombre del estudiante *
Student Last Name /// Apellido de estudiante *
Student ID (if known) /// Identificación de estudiante (si se sabe)
Student Grade Level /// Nivel de grado *
Select the student's grade for 2023-2024 school year. /// Elija el nivel de grado para el año escolar 2023-2024.
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