Comfort Box

We are so sorry for your loss.  Today, grieve.  We are here to support you.  

In partnership with the Stay; For Life organization, The Kita Center hopes to provide a gesture of compassion and understanding in the form of a carefully curated box of comfort items delivered directly to the homes of those who are grieving a loss from suicide. Each box is filled with thoughtful items intended to provide support and a sense of community during this difficult time.

The items provided by The Kita Center in the comfort box are provided in loving memory of David Babb. The DavidCares comfort box program is a heartfelt initiative aimed at providing comfort and support to individuals and families who have experienced the loss of a loved one to suicide.

Stay; For Life was founded in memory of 18-year-old Trent Gibson, who tragically died by suicide. Deeply loved and missed by his family and friends, Trent's legacy lives on through the work of the organization.  Stay; For Life is honored to offer a tangible source of comfort and support to those facing the crippling loss of a loved one to suicide.

Please fill out the form below if you wish to receive a box of comfort provided by The Kita Center & Stay; For Life. 
Are you requesting this box for your family, or on behalf of another family? 
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