What is Easter? Event RSVP
Dear friends,

Campus Ministry, ND International and NDCSSA cordially invite you to celebrate Easter with the Notre Dame
International Community.

Time:  March 26th, 2020 5:30pm - 7:00 pm
           (Please arrive at 5:00 pm for registration and seating. Dinner begins at 5:30 pm. )
Location:  Student Lounge, 1st floor, Coleman-Morse Center

We will provide delicious food and Easter treats! Let us learn about the meaning of Easter together and hear the testimonies of personal encounters with God. We probably have all thought about the mysteries of life and the love of God at some point. If there are any topics you are interested in, please let us know below. No matter what your faith background is, we believe you will have a joyous evening with us.

Please kindly RSVP by Monday, March 23rd, 2020. Seats are limited. We look forward to celebrating the important occasion together.

Best wishes,

Campus Ministry, ND International and NDCSSA

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