CVS|| Anatomy || L5+6+7
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Given that there is an artery starting at the 2nd costal cartilage and ending at T4 vertebrae,

what would be the names of branches coming out of it?

1 point

All of the followings are branches from internal carotid artery except ?
Select one:

1 point
اجتهاد شخصي 

All of the following are correct regarding relations of the bifurcation of the caratid artries EXCEPT:

1 point
Circle of wills is formed by all the following except:

1 point

All of the followings are paired branch of the abdominal aorta except?

1 point

All the followings are superior relations of the arch of the aorta except?
Select one:

1 point

Regarding the arterial supply to the upper limb, ALL the following statements are WRONG, EXCPT: Choose one ANSWER? Select one:

1 point

All the followings are branches of the arch of the aorta except?

Select one:

1 point

All of the followings are single branch of the abdominal aorta except?

Select one:

1 point

Which of the following is not true about arch of the aorta?

1 point

Aortic arch relations?

1 point

6)One of the following is incorrect about internal jugular vein?

1 point

45. All are true about maxillary artery except?

1 point
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