2023 - 2024 Prairie View Boys Basketball Sign up
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Student's First Name *
Student's Last Name *
Grade Level *
Teacher's Name *
Parent(s) Name(s) *
Parent/Guardian Cell Phone Number *
Contact Phone Number 2 *
Contact Email Address *
Are there any medical issues that may come up that the coaches should know about? *
I understand that I am expected to volunteer at at least one of the games to assist in game management or concessions. *
What would you estimate your child's skill level is in the game of basketball? *
Games that are played in district will require parents to transport the students to the game site.   *
I agree to abide by the Student Code of Conduct, the Cougar Athlete Code of Conduct, and the Elementary Athletics Code of Conduct Addendum.  These can be found under the more tab on the elementary sports calendar. *
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