Collective 365 Membership Application
Please complete all required questions and submit your member investment via the website in order for your application to be considered complete and properly processed.

Once you submit your application and investment, you will receive a "welcome letter" via email that provides information about ways to meet other individuals in the Collective.

If you have any questions and/or concerns, please reach out to or visit the Contact Us page on the website,

Thank you for joining us to uplift and support black & brown communities in the DMV.
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Name *
First and last name
Pronouns *
Outside of your name, are there pronouns you would like to be used in reference to you? For example: they/she/he/ze or write N/A
Email *
Phone number *
Where do you reside? *
What is your profession and/or area of expertise? *
Which level of membership are you interested in? *
Please be advised your application for membership is not complete until you submit your member investment via the website,
Why are you interested in joining the Collective? *
Which committees are you interested in? *
How can you contribute to our capacity building for grant applicants? *
Collective 365 will be offering "capacity building" in addition to grant funding for applicants.  Capacity building is the Collective's way of connecting members to the work in the community.  For example, you may be a social media marketing guru and would be willing to provide "x" amount of hours to develop social media evergreen graphics to a grant applicant.  Capacity building can be granted to applicants even if the Collective is unable to award them grant funding. It is one of the unique aspects of Collective 365.
How did you hear about Collective 365? *
If you were referred by a member of Collective 365, please share their name below. If not, write N/A *
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