LNY - News Questions
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1. How many people married a Vietnamese person in 2018? *
2. There are more claw machines than 7-11 stores in Taiwan. *
3. Who usually takes the IELTS test? *
4. According to the news, people flying a drone must do which of the following? *
5. The reporter from Buzzfeed thinks Americans and English people should not.... *
6. According to the news, who stopped working last week? *
7. Government workers in which country were unhappy about the IELTS test calling Taiwan, Taiwan-China? *
8. According to the news, which is true... *
9. So far, how many people have not been able to fly because of the problems at China Airlines? *
10. People who fly drones must start following the new rules... *
11. Because of claw machines, Taiwan's government will... *
12.  What is true about the reporter talking about Lunar New Year? *
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