Monetization Game Design Approach Towards AAA Games (A Consumer's Perspective)

The following survey will be used for research purposes only and seeks to understand your perspective as a consumer on different ways that games are designed, monetized, and sold. (Master Thesis in Game Design)

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1. What is your gender?
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2. Pick the option that you most strongly identify with?
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3. How old are you?
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4. What is your Nationality?
5. What are your top 3 favorite games?
6. Do you enjoy games which involve a one-time purchase before you can play? (A single payment without additional ongoing payments or charges)
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7. Does this monetization/microtransaction model impact your enjoyment of these games? Please say why or why not?  
8. Do you enjoy games which are free at first but feature small in-game purchases or microtransactions? Please say why or why not?
9. Please indicate to which degree you agree or disagree with the following? With (1 = completely disagree) and (5 = completely agree)
Game studios should have no restrictions on how they want to monetize their AAA games.
Game studios should not be allowed to monetize games meant for children.
Microtransactions enhance gaming experience in AAA games.
Microtransactions are necessary in AAA games.
The presence of microtransactions affects the quality of AAA games.
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10. How do you feel about microtransactions in AAA games? (AAA are high-budget, high-profile games that are typically produced and distributed by large, well-known publishers. These games often rank as “blockbusters” due to their extreme popularity)
11. Have you ever paid money to play a game other than at the time of initial purchase?
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12. What do you buy with microtransactions?
13. On a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being an emphatic No and 5 being an emphatic Yes, please select your answers below
Would you pay another player to farm items for you in a AAA game?
Would you pay to start AAA MMORPG on a higher level?
Would you pay for cosmetic items?
You would pay for powerful weapons and armour sets to gain an edge?
Would you pay for downloadable content or DLC?
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14. What, in your opinion, is the impact of microtransactions and other alternative monetization models on AAA game design (if any)? 
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