サンジーヴ・スィンハ氏著「すごいインドビジネス」出版記念会 Sanjeev Book Launch: Amazing India Business

サンジーヴ著出版記念会 Sanjeev's Nikkei Book Launch 議員会館4月12日:お誘い
(English follows Japanese)
2017年4月12日1200-1330第一衆議院会館多目的ホール www.SanjeevSinha.com/book-launch
Book Launch Reception, April 12th 2017 at the #1 Japan Parliamentarians’ building for
“Amazing India Business” from Nikkei authored by Sanjeev Sinha

謹啓 時下益々ご清栄のこととお慶び申し上げます。
謹 白
発   起   人  一  同
アシッシュ・チョウハン ボンベイ証券取引所CEO
アフターブ・セット 元駐日インド大使
石井啓一  衆議院議員・国土交通大臣
安西祐一郎 日本学術振興会理事長
石毛博行    日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)理事長
市橋敬男    モービルアイ共同創設者
猪口邦子  参議院議員・元国務大臣
入柿秀俊    JICA 東南アジア・大洋州部長
遠藤利明  衆議院議員・前五輪担当大臣
伊吹洋二  丸紅情報システムズ(株)代表取締役社長
太田昭宏  前国土交通大臣・元公明党代表
榎泰邦      元駐インド日本大使
岡本三成  衆議院議員・衆議院外務委員会理事
城内実   衆議院議員・前外務副大臣
岸田文雄  外務大臣
黒川清   元日本学術会議会長
高村正彦  自民党副総裁
景文学   北京如水慧諮詢有限公司董事長
塩崎恭久  厚生労働大臣
榊原英資  青山学院大学教授
渋澤健   渋沢栄一記念財団理事
谷野作太郎 元駐インド日本大使
CP グルナーニ インド・IT協会(NASSCOM)会長、テック・マヒンドラCEO
スレーシュ・プラブ インド鉄道大臣
竹本直一  衆議院議員・インド友好若手議員会長
田中和徳  自民党国際局長
ディーパ・G・ワドワ 前駐日インド大使
デサイ・ウダイ インド工科大学ハイドラバード学長
堂道秀明  元駐インド日本大使
豊田正和  日本エネルギー経済研究所理事長
長妻昭   前民進党代表代行・元厚労大臣
中曽根弘文 参議院議員・元外務大臣・文部大臣
西村康稔  衆議院議員・前内閣府副大臣
林芳正   参議院議員・前農林水産大臣
ババ・カリヤニ バラット・フォージ社会長・日立製作所取締役
比良竜虎  印日商工会会長
平田喜裕  株式会社日経新聞社常務取締役
平林博   日印協会理事長・元駐インド日本大使
細田博之    日印友好議連会長・自民党総務会
松下功夫  JXホールディングス株式会社相談役
村井純   慶應義塾大学環境情報学部長
茂木敏充  自由民主党政調会長
森英介   衆議院議員・元法務大臣
ラジーブ・クマール インド中央銀行理事
山﨑養世   一般社団法人太陽経済の会代表理事
RC・バルガワ スズキ自動車インド会長
山田明人    ラグビー選手・日本代表
ヴィカス・スワループ 作家・駐カナダ インド大使・元インド外務省報道官

日 時  2017年4月12日(水)12:00〜13:30 会 場  衆議院第一議員会館多目的ホール(千代田区永田町2-2-1) 
連絡先 Research Institute for Future of Japan 日本みらい研

Book Launch Reception, April 12th 2017 at the #1 Japan Parliamentarians’ building for
“Amazing India Business” from Nikkei authored by Sanjeev Sinha

Dear Sir/Madam,

Wishing you the best of season’s greetings on arrival of spring!
As many of you may know, Sanjeev Sinha has been a prominent contributor not only in promotion of business between Japan and India but also wider bilateral friendly relations. You may find his profile at the end of this letter.
After his first two books “Amazing India” and “India-Japan: The Most Powerful Combination”, the Nikkei Newspaper Publications have published “Amazing India Business” (すごいインドビジネス) authored by Sanjeev Sinha.
Sanjeev is a graduate of world renowned Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and, with fluency in Japanese language, has been very active for last 20 years in Japan in building many initiatives for bilateral collaboration. Recently he also married a Japanese lady and got blessed with a daughter.
We strongly believe his new book will contribute significantly towards building much needed understanding of India in Japan and promotion of bilateral friendly relations. Accordingly, we the undersigned as the promoters, have decided to support his book through a book launch reception with the details as below.
We request your continued support and encourage Sanjeev in his efforts.

Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Cabinet Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare, Government of Japan.
Suresh Prabhu, Cabinet Minister of Railways, Government of India.
Kishida Fumio, Cabinet Minister of Foreign Affairs, Gov.t of Japan.
Ishii Kenichi, Cabinet Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, Govt. of Japan.
Eisuke Mori, Former Minister of Justice
Akihiro Ota, Former Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport; Former Head of New Komeito Party.
Masahiko Komura, Vice President, Liberal Democratic Party; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs.
Motegi Toshimitsu, Chairman Political, Liberal Democratic Party; Former Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry.
Naokazu Takemoto, Chairman of the India-Japan Young Parliamentarians Friendship Association, Chairman of Japan Infrastructure Export Parliamentarian League
Nakasone Hirofumi, Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Okamoto Mitsunari, Member of Parliament and Director for Foreign Affairs, ex Managing Director and Head of the Public Sector Goldman Sachs.
Yoshimasa Hayashi, Former Minister for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Yasutoshi Nishimura, Former Deputy Minister Cabinet Office; Secretary General India-Japan Parliamentarians Friendship League
Kiuchi Minoru, Former Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs
Kuniko Inoguchi, Chairwoman of India Japan Women Parliamentarians Friendship League; Former Minister for Gender Equality
Endo Toshiaki, Member of Parliament, First Minister for Olympic 2020
Tanaka Kazunori, Director International Affairs, Liberal Democratic Party
Tanino Sakutaro, Former Ambassador of Japan to India.
Aftab Seth, Former Ambassador of India to Japan, Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun Awardee from the Emperor of Japan
Hirabayashi Hiroshi, President, Japan India Association; Former Ambassador of Japan to India
Enoki Yasukuni, Former Ambassador of Japan to India.
Domichi Hideaki, Former Ambassador of Japan to India.
Deepa Gopalan Wadhwa, Former Ambassador of India to Japan.
Vikas Swarup, Author; High Commissioner of India to Canada.
Kurokawa Kiyoshi, Chairman, Health and Global Policy Institute and Global Health Innovative Technology Fund; Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo.
Uday Desai, Director, IIT Hyderabad.
Anzai Yuichiro, President, Japan Society for Promotion of Science; Former President, Keio University
Sakakibara Eisuke, Professor Aoyama University; Former Vice Minister of Finance.
RC Bhargava, Chairman, Maruti Suzuki.
Babasaheb Kalyani, Chairman, Bharat Forge
Ryuko Hira President, The Indian Commerce and Industry Association Japan; Representative Director, Hotel Management International KK.
Toyoda Masakazu, Chairman and CEO, Institute for Energy Economics Japan.
Hiroyuki Ishige, Chairman and CEO, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Irigaki Hidetoshi, Senior Vice President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA).
Murai Jun, Dean Keio University; Advisor to the Cabinet on Telecom and IT
Katsuo Matsushita Advisor, JX Holdings
Norio Ichihashi, Founder, Senior VP, Pacific Region, Mobileye
Takashima Masayuki, Former Board Member Mitsubishi Corporation, President Yokohama Port
Jing Wenxue, Chairman, Beijing Josuikei Management Consulting
Isao Matsushita, Advisor, JX Holdings Co. Ltd.
Yamazaki Yasuyo, President, Sun Based Economy Association
Yoshihiro Hirata, Managing Director, Nikkei Newspaper
Yoji Ibuki, President and CEO, Marubeni Information Systems Co., Ltd.
CP Gurnani, MD and CEO Tech Mahindra, Chairman NASSCOM.
Rajiv Kumar, Director on the Board, Reserve Bank of India.
Yamada Akihito, Japan Representative, Rugby
Ashish Chauhan, CEO and MD, BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange).

Book Launch Reception for “Amazing India Business” from Nikkei authored by Sanjeev Sinha
Date and Time: April 12th, 2017, 1200-1330.
Venue: Multi-purpose Hall, 1F, First Parliamentarian’s Building, (Dai-Ichi-Shugiin-Kaikan, Tamokuteki Shitsu, please follow the link below for the latest info and instructions)
Contact: Research Institute for Future of Japan, Hirakawa-cho. www.SanjeevSinha.com/book-launch
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