HTC Skills and Talents Survey

Our Vision

Holy Trinity Cuckfield is part of the Church of England, joyfully serving Jesus in our church and community We passionately want to be growing in spirituality, numbers, and service

Purpose of this survey

As we emerge from the pandemic and during this time of vacancy, this brief survey is an opportunity to review  how we use our individual skills for the ministry which we share together- to affirm things we are currently doing, or to explore new ways to serve as part of the Body of Christ in this place. 

Completing the survey

Please read the survey carefully and answer it prayerfully;

Please use a separate form for each member of your household.

Please submit the form by 17th March 2023

What will happen to my response?

Survey responses will be collated by Team leaders / Chair of appropriate committee who will contact you using the details you have put on the form.

If you have expressed an interest in finding out more about an aspect of parish life, the leader of that ministry area may get in touch. Responses will be carefully prioritised: some ministries may not need augmenting at the present time but might in the future.

Training and induction is available for everything that we do. Safeguarding procedures are required for all ministries involving children and vulnerable adults; please see our Safeguarding Policy (available on the parish website) for more details.

Personal contacts shared on your form will remain confidential to the leadership of Holy Trinity,  and will only be used for the purposes of this survey and your response.


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