Officer Positions Description
These are what position do in the cub. Every position contributes to big time to the club. Here are what each position mostly focuses on:
1. President: The President is the one who overlooks and manages the club alongside the sponsor. They will also decide when we will have meeting and events done within the club.
2. Vice President: They assist the President with the decisions being made. They have a similar position as the President.
3. Corresponding secretary: The Corresponding Secretary plans out what will be doing in the meetings (games, food, etc.) and they help in meetings making sure everything runs smoothly.
4. Historians: There are 2 Historians. They each work together on the bulletin board every single month. They have to be available to stay after school.
5. Treasurer: The Treasurer handles the finances of the club. They keep track of the money that is being used within the club.
6. Recording Secretary: The Recording Secreatary takes notes of how the meetings went with the sponsor. They also sent out reminds and controls the social media of the club.
7. Sergeant of Arms: Sergeant of Arms basically do a little bit of everything. They are the ones who usually help out all the other officers who are in need of help.
These are all the positions that are being offered for the 2022-2023 school year. Remeber if you choose to run for President, you will be interviewed.