CoolClimate Data Request Form
Please fill out this form to obtain underlying data in CoolClimate Maps ( and the CoolClimate Calculator (

The results are contained in a spreadsheet with estimates of annual CO2e from household energy (electricity, natural gas and other fuels), transportation (motor vehicles, air travel, other), food, goods, services and total emissions for U.S. zip codes, cities, counties and states. The dataset also includes benchmark estimates of kWh electricity, therms of natural gas, gallons of fuel oil and vehicle miles traveled.

Please note that these are estimates based on information known at the level of U.S. zip codes as described in Jones and Kammen (2014). Please see the full publication for detailed description of methods, limitations, results and recommended usage.

Using the Data
These data are available for free for non-profit use, if cited properly. Required minimum citation includes the project name, source name, year published, and links back to project page (or displays url). Example: "Source: CoolClimate Maps, U.C. Berkeley CoolClimate Network, 2013,"

Alternative citation (for academic publications)
Christopher M. Jones and Daniel M. Kammen, Spatial Distribution of U.S. Household Carbon Footprints Reveals Suburbanization Undermines Greenhouse Gas Benefits of Urban Population Density. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2014, 48 (2), pp 895–902,

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What is the intended use of the data? *
Please describe in 300 words or less
Do you agree to contact the CoolClimate Network prior to publishing results? *
The CoolClimate Network would like the opportunity to collaborate with researchers using our data. In some cases we may want to provide updated results and/or contribute as co-authors in publications. We also want to make sure the data are used and described appropriately.
Do you agree to fill out the CoolClimate Completed Projects Form? *
Once you have completed your project we would like to keep track of projects using the data. Please visit the CoolClimate data page to locate the online form:
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