MTC Dormitory application 

Limited slots will be available at the "GongGuan campus Dorm 2" for the 2024 Fall Term students. If you'd like to apply for on-campus accommodation, please use the link below to fill out the application form. Please take a look at the attached PDF files for more detailed information.

申請資格Eligibility: 2024 Fall Term students only

申請截止日Application period:2024.Aug.1~2024.Sep.9

住宿期間Stay period        :2024.Sep.1~2024.Nov.25 ( dorm is avaliable from September. 1st )

Female :2人房 twin room (full)   /  4人房 Quadruple room (open for waiting list)

male:     2人房 twin room (full)    /   4人房 Quadruple room (open for waiting list)

Fees :   2人房 twin room             NTD36,000  (per person for the Fall term )

             4人房 Quadruple room  NTD23,000(per person for the Fall term ) 

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性別( gender ) *
MTC Student ID number *
Chinese name
English name
Passport number
Date of birth
Student Number (ex: 2409*****)
What is the type of dormitory room you are applying for?
How long do you expect to study in the MTC *
1. MTC will send the confirmation email around August 15th Please pay the fee from August. 26th~September.6th , the bed cannot be reserved for late payment.

 2. After checking in, fees are NONREFUNDABLE.

 3. While living in the dorms, every student is required to follow the dorm policy. Students are responsible for damage costs to any public property damaged due to personal behavior.

 4. Students should be quiet and are not allowed to gamble, smoke, or have overnight guests. If any of the above regulations are violated, charges are nonrefundable, and the student will be asked to move out immediately.

 5. Individuals who have not applied for dorms but are found living in the dorm will be fined dormitory fee and will be asked to leave immediately.

 6. I acknowledge that room assignments are determined by the school, and students are not allowed to change rooms without permission.

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