- For tutors that are selected, it is your responsibility to keep Amy informed about any schedule changes as we will assign students to you in any available space that you offer us.
- Rate is $20/hour for College/University students
- Rate is $15/hour for Secondary 5 students
***DBYLC Events***
- We ask that tutors attend the DBYLC annual staff Christmas Party in December
- Tutors are also invited to our annual Leadership Retreat during Christmas Break!
- We ask that tutors attend the Easter Vigil on Friday, April 18, 2025
***All those who have applied will be contacted the week of September 12th***
All potential candidates will have to attend a mandatory Safe Environment Presentation as well as a Tutoring Orientation. During the orientation we will explain how the tutoring program works and we will answer any questions you may have.
Please note that tutoring will begin the week of October 14th right after Thanksgiving.
If you have any questions please email
Thank you for your interest in joining our tutoring program!