Leveraging Digitization Practices across Multiple Domains: Workshop Application
Use this form to apply for the Leveraging Digitization Practices across Multiple Domains workshop to be held at the University of California, Santa Barbara 6-9 October 2014 (6th and 9th are travel days). DUE DATE: 18 JULY 2014.
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Name (as you would like it to appear on a name badge, in the order first last): *
Your e-mail address: *
Name of your institution: *
Your complete postal address: *
If your institution is associated with one or more TCNs, PENs, or multi-institution collaboratives, please indicate which one(s).
Your role (check all that apply): *
I work with the following types of collections (check all that apply; for none, select other and enter None): *
I work with the following preparations (check all that apply): *
I am willing to make a presentation about my institution's or collection's (check all that apply):
If you volunteered to make a presentation (above), please use the following space for any additional comments you'd like to make about your proposed presentation.
Are you currently databasing your collection? *
Are you currently imaging your collection? *
Are you currently georeferencing your collection? *
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